Attention Authors, Speakers, and Entrepreneurs…
“Do You Have A Clear Message That’s Attracting Your Ideal Clients, Enlisting Your Tribe of Targeted Prospects, and Steadily Increasing Your Income?”
[And Once Your Message is Clear, Are You Monetizing It With Credibility, Visibility, and Authority?]
“Content Creation, Publishing, and Marketing, Responsible Marketing with Artificial Intelligence, and Healing Your Money Blocks to Live the Life You Deserve”
(Part of My “Weekend Marketer” Series of Live Workshops)
A Three Day Intensive Workshop Event
In Los Angeles By The Ocean April 14th – 16th, 2023
I’m Connie Ragen Green and I have been working exclusively online since 2006. When I first encountered the world of online marketing back in the winter of 2005 and decided to move forward during the spring of 2006, I realized that I needed to take a stand for what I believed, choose my message, and then clarify it in order to be taken seriously as an entrepreneur. The follow through with this is then enlisting your tribe. Once you know who you are, what your message is, and how to grow a list of people who resonate with you, entrepreneurship is joyous and profitable.
Now I’m sharing exactly how I did this, how you can do it as well, along with training, insight, and interaction with some of the savvy entrepreneurs whom I work with personally who have also clarified their message and enlisted their tribes to build lucrative businesses in a variety of areas, topics, and niches. My goal is to share every detail of how this is done, and to encourage you to get started today to change the course of your life and business. Please join me, other entrepreneurs and authors, along with some special, hand-picked instructors in Los Angeles April 14th through the 16th and let’s build and grow your business.
Our Theme for This 3 Day Hands-On Workshop is “Using Content Creation, Responsible Marketing, and Prosperity to Live the Life You Want and Deserve”
I Want to Teach You How to Build and Grow Your Online Business, Making Sure Your Message is Clear and Concise, and Attracting the Right Clients by Enlisting Your Tribe, Using the Strategies I’ve Been Refining and Perfecting Since 2006…
3 Full Days of Training, Education, and Workshop in a Gorgeous and Inspired Setting
This Live Workshop Will Teach You:
How To Create Content That Shares Your Message, Using Artificial Intelligence to Increase your Credibility, and Embracing a “Prosperity Practice” to Increase Your Income as You Build and Grow Your Business!
Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?
My name is Connie Ragen Green and my background is that of a school teacher and real estate appraiser. For more than twenty years I toiled in the classroom by day and drove the streets of Los Angeles going from one real estate appointment to the next during the evenings, on the weekends, and when we had breaks from the year ’round schools I taught at back then. For all of those years I worked six to seven days a week, struggling to make ends meet and rarely taking a vacation. It was exhausting, and finally the teaching position became a job I no longer loved.
During this time I missed every major event in my family – anniversaries, birthday celebrations, graduations, and more. Even the one time someone in my extended family became a U.S. citizen I was unable to get the time off work to attend his ceremony. You can imagine how awful this made me feel, like I was a child asking for permission from my boss to be able to enjoy these memories with my loved ones. Finally, family and friends stopped asking me to join them and I felt even worse about my situation.
I was forced to make the choice of what would be a priority in my life, and paying the bills was right there at the top. If you have experienced anything like this in your own life, or know what it’s like to have to decide which bills to pay at the first of every month, then this live Event and Workshop could be exactly what would make the difference for you during 2023, and beyond.
In 2005 the bright light finally came on and I had left that world behind by 2006. Within eighteen months I had replaced my previous income (I was earning between 125K and 150K as a classroom teacher and working part-time in real estate) and had gone on to keep growing my business as an online entrepreneur. Now I’m a bestselling author of more than twenty-five books, an international speaker, and teach people on five continents how to build a business they can run from their home computer, or from wherever they are in the world.
When I went back to visit the school where I used to teach it was as if I had landed on a different planet. Even though I had spent years walking the halls and the grounds of my campus it was all foreign to me. I was the same person, or so it would appear, yet my mind had completely transformed in the few short years since I had been a teacher there. Could it have been related to what I had filled my thinking with since deciding to change my life completely?
Growth And Change Can Be Challenging At Times
It took me years to get up the courage to resign from that teaching job. I gave myself lots of valid excuses, like the fact that I would no longer receive a paycheck each month and have a paid medical plan, and many not so valid ones, such as feeling like I was not smart enough to do something else at my age. It wasn’t until I started learning how to shift my thinking to that more similar to successful people, and doing each day what successful people do, that I was able to change my life completely.
In 2005 I attended a seminar in downtown Los Angeles on how to have a “millionaire mind”. At the end of the event I had the opportunity to purchase a huge notebook filled with CD interviews of people who had spoken at this event over the past few years. I took that notebook out to the car and began the process of going through each one of them. I would listen to these people share their knowledge, ideas, and expertise faithfully on my way to and from work and while I was out doing real estate appraisals. It was when I was listening to around the fiftieth interview that everything began to take shape in my mind. Each of these people had positioned themselves as an expert in their field or niche and was sharing their message with others through information products, online courses, books, and more. I was elated at the thought of emulating their success!
Have you ever thought about why some people seem to find the game of life mostly intuitive, while others struggle and still never seem to get ahead? Recently it was revealed that Steve Jobs sought out thought leaders regularly from an early age in his quest to have many of his deepest questions answered, and that once the Walkman became available he listened for hours on end to interviews with people from all walks of life.
Now It’s Your Turn
Changing your life by reading, learning, and incorporating new ideas and concepts into the deepest recesses of your mind and way of thinking is an amazing process. Many of us have done this subconsciously and only years later thought about the correlation between hearing and acting upon what we heard. Here I have assembled an incredible group of people to share their insights with you for this very purpose.
Each person attending this Workshop is an expert in their own right. You will connect with and learn from people who live in all corners of the world, with a variety of backgrounds and experiences who each strongly believe that we all have a genius inside of us and that we can use that to position ourselves as experts in our field. This “genius” thinking manifests itself in different ways and in its own time, but the end result is that we all gain strength and wisdom from others we resonate with.
“Environment is stronger than willpower.” ~ Yogananda
Join Us to Connect With Like-Minded People and Grow Your Business
Who Is This Workshop For?
This live Event and Workshop is geared towards the newer online entrepreneur, but still relevant for you if you already have some experience earning income online. If this is your first year online, or if you’ve been working on your business for a couple of years and still are not earning at least $3,000 a month consistently, then I want you to join me in Los Angeles and learn exactly what you need to do to move forward more quickly.
What makes this event unique is that you will have me and several others who have a “teacher’s heart.” We will be there with you throughout the three days of the Event and Workshop, answering your questions, explaining in great detail, and taking you by the hand to guide you through the material we’ll be presenting.
Why Would You Want To Attend?
The competition to be successful online and off is greater than ever these days. You deserve to have a competitive edge to get your business up and running and profitable in as short a time as possible. The goal and intention of this event is to accelerate your learning curve immensely, allowing you to jump start your progress and achieve optimal results.
I will be sharing all of my secrets, tips, methods, strategies, and shortcuts with you in a well thought out, step by step plan to help you succeed. Additionally, I’m bringing in additional trainers, hand-picked from my community and Circle of Influence, to share their knowledge, experience, and expertise with you.
What If You Attend?
By attending this event you will learn exactly what you need to get your business up and running in a big way so you can hit the ground running. You’ll also connect with like-minded individuals who understand what it’s like to have a home-based business from your computer and are already on the path to becoming successful entrepreneurs. Connecting with the right people early on in your career is crucial to success. And, because I only host “boutique” events, meaning that I cap the number of students at twenty-five, you will be able to meet everyone during these three days and find the right people to help you move forward quickly.
You will have three full days in a hands-on, workshop setting to learn all of the details of setting up and running online business profitable. No one is born an entrepreneur, and those who do succeed at this know what you will learn during our time together. I want you to succeed!
I promise you that I will not hold anything back, and to be fully accessible to you during our three days together. Fair enough?
Do You Ever Feel Like You’ve Missed Something?
If you’ve been trying to build a profitable online business for more than a year and can’t seem to put the pieces together, it could be that you have missed pertinent information somewhere along the way. If you have gaps and holes in your online marketing education, this could be keeping you from succeeding in the way you know that you can.
We begin with a Day in the conference room on Friday. Then we go to the beach (2.5 miles from our hotel) for a Mastermind and Brainstorming on Saturday, where you will get to know the other workshop participants and explore your thoughts and ideas in a safe and relaxed setting. You then continue to learn “Workshop” style throughout the weekend. This means that you will be involved in hands-on activities to build your business, instead of simply sitting and taking notes. You’ll want to bring a laptop computer or a tablet with you, and I’ll provide the Internet connection right there in our conference room. You’ll get to know people from all walks of life who have both the potential and the desire to become your friends and Joint Venture partners in your business.
You’ll Be A Part Of Three Days Of A Focused, Guided,
And Intensive Workshop Where You Will Work Hands-On With Seasoned Entrepreneurs, Other New Entrepreneurs, Advanced Marketers, And Those Working Online Exclusively…
Meet Your Event and Workshop Trainers
Denise Wakeman
Denise is a world renown expert on visibility, credibility, and repurposing who has been online since the late 1990s. She was also one of my first mentors and we continue to be friends and colleagues. Denise will be sharing some new strategies on using Artificial Intelligence (AI) she has not previously taught anywhere.
This session will be interactive as Denise walks you through some exercises that you will be apply to apply to what you are working on right now.
Antonia Van Becker and Greg Lee
Greg and Antonia are experts in a variety of areas, and we met a couple of years ago in a Mastermind we are all a part of for our businesses. We became fast friends, and I continue to learn from them in areas related to healing our money blocks.
What Antonia and Greg will be teaching during our weekend together will make it possible for you to get past and eliminate your money blocks, in order to build passive income and revenue streams that will grow your business exponentially in a focused and organized manner.
Surprise Guest
Yes, we have a surprise guest presenter! And his name is… drum roll, please! It’s none other than Lou Bortone, the Godfather of Video! We’ll have a two hour, hands-on experience with Lou at the beach and on the pier to learn more about creating videos to grow our business.
And me, Connie Ragen Green. I will be teaching you everything I have been doing over the past several years with syndicating my content in a variety of formats. teach and share the exact strategies and blueprints I use in my own business, as well as facilitating all of the activities and trainings you will be a part of during our three days together. We will work together and separately this weekend as a group and team, and you will also lay the foundation for your online business as an entrepreneur.
My true gifts are that of being able to connect people who are meant to know one another and work together, and to enhance this experience by providing the techniques and methods that will take you from where you are right now to closer to where you would like to be in terms of successful and lucrative entrepreneurship.
Surprise Guest – TBA
A Second Surprise Guest Presenter? YES!
Your Schedule
Day 1
- Today we begin focusing on how to attract the right people into your tribe using content creation and you will continue learning from me as well as from several of my hand-picked instructors. I”ll go into detail on eight streams of income that will change your life forever. These include affiliate marketing, information product creation, authorship, public speaking, local business marketing, selling physical products on Amazon, membership sites, and social media management. We will also work individually and as a team to further clarify and refine our message in a way that makes sense for the business we wish to create for ourselves.
Day 2
- Today You’ll Get to Know the Other Attendees and Your Trainers in a Safe and Relaxed Setting, at the beach. You will have the opportunity to share your message with the group and receive valuable feedback on how refine that message so that it is clear and concise. We work together to help you lay the foundation for your business, with a focus on having the proper mindset, productivity strategies, effective time management, and thinking/acting for success as an online entrepreneur. Too many people leave this part out, causing years of frustration, overwhelm, and disappointingly little progress. We will discuss how you can establish credibility, increase visibility while building your business and the multiple streams of income that will take you there.
Day 3
- Today we bring it all together with an official “Workshop and Get ‘R Done” Day. You will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with me and with others who are eager to serve you in this way. The reason I love teaching over a three day period at my Workshops is so that you will leave with your “Big Picture” plan, lots of goals planned out and others accomplished, as well as with a detailed blueprint of how to get started even before you leave Los Angeles. We will sit side by side, in front of your laptop or mine, and cover the exact points and questions you need help with. In my humble opinion, this part of our time together is priceless…
My Motto Is To “Keep It Simple”
Just as I do with my Online Marketing Incubator and Platinum Mastermind clients, my goal with this “Clarify Your Message…Enlist Your Tribe” Event and Workshop is to keep it all simple. By this I mean that you will only be exposed to what you need and what is working for me and for these other successful entrepreneurs right now in 2023. My promise to you is to not waste any of your valuable and precious time with training that is not absolutely crucial to your success.
Clarifying Your Message and Enlisting Your Tribe is
the Key to Great Success
The Problem…You may believe that this live event and workshop training could just be a big waste of your time, energy, and money, with little or no payoff or results to show for it.
The Solution…This 3 Day Even and Workshop to “Clarify Your Message…Enlist Your Tribe” will open your mind to new thoughts, ideas, and strategies as to how you can emulate what I and these other entrepreneurs and small business owners are doing and join the ranks of the most successful people working online and offline right now, more quickly and easily than you ever imagined. Your hard work and dedication will turn your dreams and goals into your daily reality.
Personalized Learning In A Beautiful Resort Setting
This will be the fourteenth live event I have hosted at the Ayres Hotel in Manhattan Beach, California. It’s less than five miles from LAX and adjacent to the 405 Freeway, so whether you’ll be flying in or driving it’s most convenient. This location has the most amenities at the best price than any other I have ever seen. The Ayres is a “boutique” hotel, meaning that the staff is there to accommodate you and make sure you have everything you need as soon as you need it. With a touch of authentic Italian Renaissance charm this has become my favorite
venue for the twice annual Live Event and Workshop since 2014. And we are also conveniently located to stores, restaurants, and other places you may wish to visit while you are here.
Each room is beautifully appointed, and I’ll even assist you in connecting with a same gender roommate. With many stores close by, it’s perfect for preparing your own light breakfast or perhaps a late night snack. The prices are very affordable. The room rate I have negotiated through my “Clarify Your Message, Enlist Your Tribe” room block gives you the best price, even when compared to discount sites online.
And the weather is always right for an early morning or late evening swim in the sparkling pool, located in the courtyard just a stone’s throw from our conference rooms. Use this as a time and place to relax and reflect on your business, or to engage in conversation with your fellow attendees and trainers. Yes, I’ll be joining you!
And don’t forget about the beach; we will be two miles from the Pacific Ocean and the Manhattan Beach Pier with all of it’s local flavor and attractions. Each evening we will break into groups of five or six people and enjoy an evening of dinner, conversation, brainstorming, and the peace and joy that comes from spending time with new friends, colleagues, and other like-minded entrepreneurs. You may be tempted to stay up all night talking and sharing ideas, but remember to get some sleep so you’ll be refreshed for our next day together. I provide plenty of time throughout each day for you to connect with the other attendees and make those connections that can last a lifetime. This is exactly how I began meeting entrepreneurs and others almost a decade ago, and most of those people are still my friends and colleagues.
Walk alongside me and the other entrepreneurs barefoot in the sand and let’s put together an online business that will suit your goals and your lifestyle…during 2023 and beyond.
During Our Three Days Together You Will…
- Clarify your message in a way that resonates with those you wish to reach
- Learn how to actively reach out to your community and enlist your tribe
- Set up funnels and systems that will organize your business for maximum profitability
- Learn how to syndicate your content in multiple formats, starting with 5 pieces of content
- See how to easily become a rock star within your circle of influence
- Make offers that will make sense to those in your community and tribe
- See that everything becomes simpler and easier, as it is supposed to be in life and business
It’s time for you to have the life and business you deserve, and this is the event and the people that can help you to make it happen for you…NOW!
It’s Your Time to Experience Entrepreneurial Success!
You’ve wanted to step up your efforts and see some success and growth in your business for months, maybe even years. Allow me and the other trainers to take you by the hand and walk you step by step through the process. Together we will spend three days together to clarify your message, map out a blueprint and plan, and assist you in enlisting your tribe of prospects and clients so that your business will be one you are excited about and proud to be a part of. You can do it!
To Your Great Success!
Connie Ragen Green
Limited to No More Than 25 Participants
I would love to connect with you at this Clarify Your Message…Enlist Your Tribe Live Workshop Event. It is unlike any of my previous events and sets the bar much higher than many of the events that are currently being offered. Unlike live events with two or three hundred attendees, I prefer to limit my Workshops to a maximum of 30 participants. This ensures that you get to meet everyone who is there, and gives you a more enriching experience overall. Register today to hold your spot and I look forward to spending precious time with you in Los Angeles during the weekend of Friday, April 14th through Sunday, April 16th, 2023.
We’ll Even Have a ‘Book Exchange’ Where You Can Trade a Book You No Longer Love for One That You Can Take Home With You!
- A Four Week Follow Up Program to Help You Stay on Track and Productive Once You Return Home
- $100 Discount on Any of My “Really Simple” Training Courses Purchased Before December 31st, 2023
- Ongoing Accountability and Results Mastermind
Only 4 Seats Remaining!
Please Join Us to Clarify Your Message and Enlist Your Tribe!
Only 4 Seats Remaining! $199 – CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW
P.S. As soon as you register, you and I will schedule a call to discuss your hotel accommodations, where you are with your business right now, and how I may best serve you during our three days together…and beyond.
P.S.S. If you’re bringing along another person, please let me know as soon as possible. Our space is limited, and guests may be part of this event, or at least our day at the beach on Saturday, for an additional $49 per person until I run out of room.
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